Just like many great ideas, Needle & Shred was concocted up at a dining table over spaghetti and meatballs. Tim and Jeremy met at their local ski area and shared countless turns. It wasn’t until years later they sat down and shared ideas highlighting their unique skill sets and conjured up a plan. Jeremy had been sewing custom bags for years, and had developed an interest in gear and garment repair. Tim was raised by a cobbler and seamstress and has been in the snowboard industry for decades. Both love shreddin’ boards like a tree swallow loves moving about gathering insects and bayberries. Naturally, Needle and Shred was born to fulfill the much needed repairs in the area and to give snow slidin’ enthusiasts a place to try new shapes.
Jeremy Holmstead
Flosses before brushing.
Tim Eberly
Tim pours his milk before his cereal.
His T-Rex arms move swiftly through freshly fallen snow.
Will steal flowers out of your yard.
“Jam yesterday, jam tomorrow but never today.”
A lover and a fighter
Lobster? You brought her